The current badge confirms the participation and major contribution of the badge owner in a FORUM with topics relevant to
-education and research,
-education and innovation
-career opportunities and/or
-personal development
of people with disabilities. The framework of the participation has been set via dialogue, conversation, sharing good practices and expressing opinions by utilizing Zoom Meeting shoftware.
The specific badge is provided to Youth, Tutors and Experts that contributed to the specific Forum which has been held in PREVEZA, evening hour, the last station of the festival's activities. A certification with more specified tasks and contributions per participant is also published.
Date: 01 October 2021
Local Time: 18:00-20:00
e-Location: ZOOM Meeting
Main Host: PREVEZA City
City Coordinator: Mr Liolios Yiannis, Member of the DHIAfest Board 2021
Available at: Facebook Community of DHIAfest (livestreaming)
Welcoming by:
Facebook Community: DHIAfest
8:00 | Facebook Community DHIAfest - Posting a Tribute and creating a Forum for the contribution of the city of PREVEZA to the Revolution of 1821.
18:00 | Facebook Community DHIAfest POSTING A LOCAL MAP OF CULTURAL ROUTES on the subject of FREEDOM
19:20 | Facebook Community DHIAfest - The Historical Path of Freedom and the Greek Revolution in Thrace
[Sklavenitis Spyros, Doctor of History, Head of the General Archives of the State of Preveza]
20:00 | ZOOM Meeing ID: 948 4418 1109
Youth Training Meeting Vocational Education and Training of People with Less Opportunities: before, during and after studies. What does Society offer? Participating executives of Secondary Education, OAED, Liaison Offices, NGOs