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Information and data literacy

Managing data, information and digital content

Badge informationEndorsements
The badge holder has proven to be dedicated and competent in the Information and data literacy: Managing data, information and digital content competence. With pride, he or she can demonstrate the following results and skills:

Analyzing, comparing and critically assessing the credibility and reliability of data sources, information and digital content. Analyzing, interpreting and critically evaluating data, information and digital content.

At the most advanced and specialized level, I can:
  • Devise solutions for complex problems with many interacting factors related to the management, organization, storage, and retrieval of data, information, and content for their organization in a structured digital environment;
  • recommend new ideas and processes for the domain.
(c) DigComp 2.2

These achievements have been recognized and rewarded in consultation with the badge holder by the coach and work supervisor who issued the badge as a sign of the badge holder's achievements.
Whether you are a reader of this badge who is an employer looking for a person with digital skills or someone who wants to demonstrate and strengthen your skills, this badge is a clear indication of digital knowledge and skills.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Make a plan with your coach on which tasks you will perform to master the following skills:
  • Coming up with solutions for complex problems with many interacting factors related to the management, organization, storage, and retrieval of data, information, and content for their organization in a structured digital environment;
  • Recommending new ideas and processes for the domain.

Examples for developing these skills:
  • A practical example for coming up with solutions for complex problems related to the management, organization, storage, and retrieval of data, information, and content in a structured digital environment could be to identify a specific problem, such as the inability to quickly find important information in a large collection of digital documents. Then, you can come up with various solutions to solve this problem, such as implementing a search function or setting up a better file organization.
  • To recommend new ideas and processes for the domain, you could start by researching best practices and trends in the industry by reading relevant literature, such as articles and whitepapers, and participating in online forums or discussions. By analyzing this information and comparing it with the current processes within your organization, you can identify possible areas for improvement and propose new ideas to implement them. For example, you could suggest new software or tools to improve data management, or recommend new strategies for setting up efficient workflows for storing and retrieving information. It is important to evaluate the proposed solutions for feasibility and cost-effectiveness before recommending them.

But it doesn't stop there - increase the value of your badge by adding your learning process and achievements to it. This allows potential employers to gain a better understanding of your digital skills.


Information and data literacy
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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