Think Forward
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26 Feb, 18:00
Kunst und Kultur
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultura
Sport und aktiver Lebensstil
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultura
#advise on healthy lifestyles, #educate on healthy living, #adapt body movements to harmony
26 Feb, 15:30
Personal development
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultura
#Addressing others’ unexpressed concerns, feelings, or interests
21 Feb, 15:30
Kunst und Kultur
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultura
#Ability to network with a variety of external systems and actors, #Addressing others’ unexpressed concerns, feelings, or interests
18 Feb, 18:00
Kunst und Kultur
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa - Cultura
#do history research, #educate on history
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