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What are the 21st Century Skills?


What are the 21st Century Skills?



TED Talk: Skills Every Child Will Need to Succeed in 21st century
Do we actually know what are the 21st Century Skills and why do we need them?
Watch a TED Talk by Dr. Laura A. Jana on the essential skills you need to succeed in the 21st century and why do we need to develop them as early as possible. This talk will help you understand what 21st century skills are and how they can help you thrive in the modern world in personal and professional lives.


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What are the 21st Century Skills? Get this badge

The creators of this badge want the person going through this activity to gather information and understand the importance and the mechanism of the 21st century skills.
In order to demonstrate that participants have a clearer vision and have gone through a process of introspection, they will need to complete the requirement below.
Badges will be sent after the activity creators have gone through the answer given.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
By watching the 15-minute video and take notes on the perspective on the 21st century skills discussed by Dr. Laura A. Jana, you can achieve of getting the badge.
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Time to complete: 30 minutes


Asociatia Babilon Travel
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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