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Creative Skills - Practice and Pathways

Creative Pathways

Learn more about artists, their careers and arts organisations by meeting local artists. You’ll get the chance to meet and interview a range of Blackpool based artists including Ruth Cockburn (Stand Up Comedian - Singer Songwriter), Gillian Wood (Film, Animation, Artist in Residence - Fleetwood), Garth Gratrix (LGBTQ+ Artist, Abingdon Studios.)
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Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Keep a record of your meeting with the artist(s) and what you learnt about their career development and work.
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Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Do some research yourself into the career pathways for your chosen art form. Where can you study? What are the job opportunities at the end of it? Share examples of what you found out and where you looked.
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Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Share a summary of what you found out about working in the arts and for arts organisations. Which artists did you look at and what organisations did you find out about?
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Creative Skills - Practice and Pathways
Creative Pathways
Badgecraft driver denne plattformen og utvikler den sammen med ledende utdanningsorganisasjoner. EUs Erasmus Plus-program har delfinansiert utviklingen av den første versjonen av denne plattformen. Kontakt
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