Digital Generation Youth. Recognition with Open Badges

4. Badge System Design

This badge is issued for accessing and viewing all content of the "Badge System Design" session offered during the online course "21st-century skills and recognition with Open Badges" which is implemented within the strategic capacity-building project "Digital Generation Youth". This project is part of the Cities of Learning initiative.

The session activities include:
  • first steps to start using badges
  • user journey of badge earner
  • example of a user journey
  • badge system development steps
  • digital tools for badges
  • designing and sharing the badge system

This course is developed and supported by project partners: Nectarus​ (Lithuania), Breakthrough Foundation (the Netherlands), Ready4Life (South Africa), Women's Technology Empowerment Centre (Nigeria) and AfriKo (Lithuania)

This course is made available thanks to the co-funding of EU programme Erasmus+.
Užduotis nr.1
Išduoda organizatorius arba nuskaitant QR kodą
Issued for accessing and viewing the content of the "Badge System Design" session.


Digital Generation Youth. Recognition with Open Badges
Badgecraft palaiko šią platformą ir plėtoja ją kartu su pagrindinėmis švietimo organizacijomis. Europos Sąjungos programa Erasmus+ dalinai finansavo pirmosios platformos versijos sukūrimą. Susisiekite su mumis support@badgecraft.eu.
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