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Ottopia: Feedback

Ottopia: Feedback

DE: Der/ Die Betreuer*in hat sich in der Kinderstadt "Ottopia" engagiert und das Projekt in Form von persönlichem Feedback ausgewertet. Die Person hat dabei vor allem ihre eigenen Erfahrungen, ihr Verhalten und persönlichen Aufgaben in der Kinderstadt evaluiert. Zudem hat sie ihre Erfahrungen bezüglich der Organisation, Kommunikation und Logistik während der Kinderstadt geteilt.

EN: The supervisor has been involved in the children's city "Ottopia" and has evaluated the project in the form of personal feedback. The person has mainly evaluated his/her own experiences, behavior and personal tasks in the Children's City. In addition, he/she shared her experiences regarding the organization, communication and logistics during the Children's City.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
DE: Welche Erfahrungen möchtest du uns mitteilen? Was lief deiner Meinung nach besonders gut (z. B. Organisation/ Planung, Kommunikation, Materialien, Teamwork, Abendprogramm, Essen, ...)?

EN: What experiences would you like to share with us? What did you think went particularly well (e.g. organisation/planning, communication, materials, teamwork, evening programme, food, ...)?
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
DE: Was hätte besser laufen können (z. B. Organisation/ Planung, Kommunikation, Materialien, Teamwork, Abendprogramm, Essen, ...)? Hast du einen Vorschlag, wie?

EN: What could have gone better (e.g. organisation/planning, communication, materials, teamwork, evening program, food, ...)? Do you have a suggestion how?
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea


Ottopia: Feedback
Ottopia Europäische Kinderstadt Magdeburg 2021 (Volunteers)
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