Ottopia & Future Makers: Lead your learning, civic and career pathways to the future.

Future makers. Lead your learning, civic and career pathways to the future.

Now is your time!

Meet these people from the future. Discover what skills, strategies and learning resources enable these people to be successful in the future. Get inspiration from their stories and build your personal learning and career path - wide enough for everything you want to do and achieve.

To test your readiness for the future and develop the necessary skills strategically, do the following:
assess how much your characteristics and behaviour patterns coincide with the prototypes of lead learners;
name the future skills that seem most important to you;
choose people who inspire you from the future;
compare your skillset with personas from the future, look into strategies and resources used to build learning, civic and career pathways;
name your growth strategy as future innovators.

Upload your results and thoughts on future skills to collect an activity badge.

Watch these videos and thin which purposeful pathway you want to take in the future. Get inspiration from the young people who were interviewed for the Extreme Learner research project to understand and imagine how new technologies, new ecologies, and new practices are disrupting how we learn, what we learn and where we learn.

Source: TEDx Talks

The Network of Cities of Learning offers this learning pathway within the capacity-building project ‘Youth co-design learning, civic and career pathways’. We are grateful to the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme for co-funding support for this project.

Global Youth Skills by the Institute for the Future
Cover image: Photo by Zuzanna Adamczyk on Unsplash
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
What about you? Do you have the traits that are necessary for future learning, civic engagement, and careers?

Complete the self-assessment worksheet. Evaluate your characteristics and behaviours individually, or together with the team, to see how much they coincide with or differ from the profiles of future makers.
Einloggen und Mission starten


Ottopia & Future Makers: Lead your learning, civic and career pathways to the future.
Ottopia Europäische Kinderstadt Magdeburg 2021 (Volunteers)
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