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The History of NLP

The History of NLP

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NLP developed in a specific historical context in the early 1970s in California. To understand NLP fully we need to know about this historical context so that we can adapt it for our own Mental Health Promotion youth work in the early 21st Century.

This badge needs to be completed before the training starts so that you arrive with an understanding of NLP that we will build on during the training.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
1. Please think of and list 8 other social, political, historical or cultural movements that were gaining influence in the USA at that time.
2. Find out who were the 3 Super-Therapists that Bandler and Grinder chose to model. What sort of therapy did these 3 offer?
3. In no more than 1 paragraph, please say what a Gestalt cycle is. This might help:

4. See what you can find out about Richard Bandler’s murder trial!
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