Volunteering in the European Children's City Magdeburg

International Volunteer in the European Children's City Magdeburg

From August 8–19, 2022, the European Children's City of Magdeburg took place. From Mondays to Fridays, children between the ages of 8 and 14 can playfully learn about city life here and have to deal with democratic voting processes and topics such as social coexistence, work and wages, self-determination and co-determination. On the grounds of the Amtsgarten (A public park), the rule is: only children are in charge here! The only allowed adults are supervisors (you!) who support the children in their play and help them implement their ideas.
This badge is issued to the international volunteer who not only supervised the children daily, but also helped to build up and build down the Children'S City. The volunteer worked for two weeks in one of the 40 diffrent jobs and helped created a EUROPEAN Children's City with their international expertise.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
1. Tell us why you have decided to join this project - What were your exptactions? Have they been fullfilled?
2. Name the most beautiful moment for you during the Children's City.
3. In which job(s) did you worked?
4. Describe your experience using three hashtags (exmample: #international #creativity #childrenscity).
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


#Be curious and open
#asmenų priežiūra
#communicate in multiple languages
#dirbti tarptautinėje aplinkoje
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