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GameON: Essential elements in the game design

GameON: Essential elements in the game design

Earners of this badge completed the activity to learn and reflect on the essential elements in the game.

The evidence of completing this activity is included in the badge and was reviewed and verified by the organisers.

This activity is part of the wider educational effort of the international partnership “GameOn” to promote inclusion, participation, and critical thinking through game design. Learn more about this partnership here.

Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: samopotrditev
To earn the activity badge complete these tasks:
  1. Choose one of your favorite games, it could be a table game or a video game. Analyze your chosen game describing all of the essential game elements mentioned above. Write it down. Please be concrete and short.
  2. What elements make this game special?
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GameON: Essential elements in the game design
GameOn: Essentials of the game design
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