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Tongue Twister

I became more confident to communicate in foreign languages as a result of participation in the international youth exchange. During the project I showed curiosity and efforts to learn basics of other language(s).
I also supported other participants helping them to learn basics in foreign language(s).
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: 3 miembro di aktividat
Speak shared language when being together with foreigners. Write down moments of this activity where you used common language to communicate with other participants. Confirm this with 3 other project members.
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un miembro di aktividat
When needed, explain to others specific words or phrases in foreign language(s). Write down which words or phrases you have explained to others. Confirm this with 1 other project members.
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Task no.3
Evidence verified by: outo-aprobá
Reflect foreign language use and learning experiences with peer participants. Share what did you learn new in the competence area of foreign languages.
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#translate foreign language
Badgecraft ta fasilitá e plataforma akí i ta desaroy'é huntu ku organishonnan líder den edukashon. E programa Erasmus+ di Union Europeo a ko-finansiá kreashon di e promé vershon di e plataforma akí. Tuma kontakto ku
Kambia pa otro idioma: