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Innovative career guidance & counseling strategies

Innovative career guidance & counseling strategies

Participants of this activity attended the training course “Innovative career guidance & counselling strategies” in Zalenieki, Latvia from 10/10/2022 to 14/10/2022 to promote the ability for career counseling with an emphasis on developing practical strategies applied individually as well as to the class of students and to properly equip the participants in this course to present positions from the perspective of favourable inclusion in the European labor market, activities to develop students' sense of respect for these positions, raise self-esteem, increase students' motivation to learn these positions, reducing the negative image of this type of education, profession and professionalization.
Group of 28 participants coming from: Jelgava Local Municipality (Latvia), Mobility Friends (Portugal), Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Arad (Romania), Riveria (Finland); Osmaniye MEM (Turkey), CERSEO (Italy), HIPERACTIVITY SLU (Spain).
Within the EU Erasmus+ programme project No. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000033307 „S.O.S. a Career for Success”

Participants, supported by trainers Lauma Gulbe and Davide Fumi, had the chance to discover:
- Self-directed learning, non-formal education
- Career support in professional education and for each participant individually
- Career management skills in VET: self-awareness; self-direction, self-image career decisions, self-esteem; career action plan; exploring career opportunities
- Cooperation in achieving a career goal; Personal brand - the ability to provide career information about yourself
- Final evaluation: how it could be reflected in each personal professional activity

Task no.1
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Innovative career guidance & counseling strategies
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