21st Century skills for adult education

21st Century skills explorer

Merkin tiedotKannatukset
The holder of this badge took part in the study visit on 21st Century Skills for Adult Education Programmes in The Netherlands and Belgium from 10 till 14 January 2023 (excluding travel days).
This study visit is a short 4 days stay in Rotterdam, Breda, Ghent and Antwerp and includes presentations and local visits to an NGO, an educational/training institution, social entrepreneurs, library and programs from municipalities.
The study visit has been a forum for discussions, exchanges and learning about endorsements in entrepreneurial skills development in adult education.
This study visit has been an excellent opportunity to support and engross the mind about adult education and to enhance validation and recognition, and to extend European cooperations. Working together and reflecting on various job-related issues, sharing different point of views and local realities, discovering and accepting other ways of seeing things and many other positive aspects made both organisers and participants feel more like members of a common European space.

This study visit is co-funded by Erasmusplus Adult Education
Tehtävä nro.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
  • Participate in activity
  • Reflect on your participation, which parts were interesting and useful for your daily practice? Where do you want to develop more?


Ura- ja työelämätaidot
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä
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