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GameOn: Empowering Inclusion with Game Design Training by Nectarus Team

Nectarus badge: Inclusive Game Design Training

Congratulations on gaining insights into the Nectarus team's approach to inclusive game design training!

By exploring their experience, you have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of considering inclusion in the game design process and how you can use it to support vulnerable groups.

You have also learned about the practical activities and workshops that enable training participants. Such training sessions identify the key elements of game design, analyse educational board games, and develop their game prototypes.

Additionally, you have gained an understanding of the City of Learning Platform and its Learning Playlists as an educational tool that can support game design learning.

With this new knowledge, you better understand what inclusive game design entails and how it can be achieved through training.
Task no.1
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Familiarise yourself with the training module example presented by the Nectarus team. Think and respond to the following questions:
  1. Which training ideas and activities seem suitable for your context?
  2. Which training programme sessions can you replicate in your training activities?
Add anything else that inspires you in this training example.
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#organising training
#deliver training
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