Green Tools: Learning, teaching, training activity

Learning, teaching, training activity

The training is aimed to support the design of learning material and learning aids for youth people with disabilities and to educate the young people of the needs of persons with disabilities.
The training enables the representatives of the consortium to be acquainted with the basic ways and knowledge for the topics connected to green growth and for practical application of knowledge. Within the training activity, youngsters are trained to recognize the needs of peers with disabilities, provide personal assistance, material adjustments and online support for the study process.
The practical workshop facilitates sharing best practices among the participants from different countries in the project topics green growth and culture. A visit to the special schools and relevant institutions for visual, intellectual and hearing-impaired children in Skopje is also orghanized.
Valuable inputs from the participants is collected, providing feedback on the best practices and research conducted by the consortium.
Participants will be able to explore examples of green growth in their country; to design content available to persons with disabilities i.e. visual, hearing and intellectual impediment, building culture of green growth.
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Green Tools: Learning, teaching, training activity
Designing green growth learning aids for young persons with disabilities
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