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Upcycling for future of our planet

Supporting fairness

Having this badge means that you promote equity and justice among present and future generations while learning from past traditions and actions.
By completing badge activities, you realise that human health is intrinsically linked to planetary health. Environmental equity and justice imply, therefore, human equity and justice. You know that access to green spaces can reduce health-related socio-economic inequalities.You consider the interests and capabilities of other species and environmental ecosystems and the importance of preserving nature for future generations and for nature itself.You take responsibility for collaborative activities and teamwork while acknowledging and respecting other viewpoints.Earning this badge means that you:
  • know that ethical concepts and justice for current and future generations are related to protecting nature;
  • can apply equity and justice for current and future generations as criteria for environmental preservation and the use of natural resources;
  • are committed to respecting the interests of future generations.
This progress badge leads to the 'Embodying sustainability values' badge.
International partners consortium promotes and endorses sustainable learning and living through '#GoGreen - Youth Navigator' activities.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: აქტივობის ერთი ორგანიზატორი
Take part in sustainable learning and living activities. Think and share on the questions below:
  1. How do you support equity and justice for current and future generations and learn from previous generations for sustainability? Give 2-3 examples.
  2. What do you do for environmental preservation and the equal and just use of natural resources? Showcase 2-3 actions.
  3. How do you commit to a better environmental situation for future generations? Share 2-3 cases.You can write a text response, share photos, upload short audio or video, include files and other examples of your actions.
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Upcycling for future of our planet
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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