Teamwork for Diversity

TeDi: Reaching Olympus

The first session of the preparation for hiking on Mount Olympus will start by presenting the aim and importance of outdoor education, a healthy lifestyle, and sport. Hiking, like any other physical activity, requires careful planning. Participants will brainstorm which aspects should be considered during the planning phase (such as clothing, risk management, food, first aid, trail, and so on). Everything will be written on a flipchart, and the participants will be divided into teams. Each team will be responsible for one aspect of preparation mentioned above.
In the second session of the preparation for hiking, teams will work together and gather all the information needed about the topic they will choose. Then they will make a presentation and provide all the information to their fellow participants. They will also be responsible for these aspects during the whole activity and hike. For example, the team in charge of packing and clothing will need to ensure that everyone has the necessary shoes, raincoats, and so on. 
Everything will end with the hiking experience, over-viewed by nature and its creatures.

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#organise hiking trips
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