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Arts Award Bronze - Ambition and Me

Arts Award Bronze - Ambition and Me

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks required for ‘Arts Award Bronze - Ambition and Me’ activity which forms a part of the learning playlist ‘Open Arts Award Bronze’. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
  • Being creative in presenting themselves
  • Reflecting and sharing their arts interest, experience and ambition
  • Reflecting on why they have embarked on this Bronze Arts Award opportunity
  • Expressed how they would feel on achieving the award
Completing these four tasks means they have successfully provided evidence to gain the ‘Arts Award Bronze - Ambition and Me’ badge and are now working their way towards achieving the overall ‘Open Arts Award Bronze badge.
Vous devez terminer toutes les tâches pour obtenir le badge
Tâche n°1
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Take your best Selfie, one that you could use as a profile picture for a magazine or newspaper article about you as an artist.
Login and start quest
Tâche n°2
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
How have you developed your interest in arts, what creative experiences have you enjoyed before and maybe still do? Are you a dancer, musician, photographer, painter, crafter, potter? Here we want to know more about your experiences, passions and interests.
Login and start quest
Tâche n°3
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Write down/document what you understand the Bronze Arts Award to be and why you want to do it?
Login and start quest
Tâche n°4
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Write down/document how you think you will feel after completing your Bronze Arts Award? How will your achievements make you feel?
Login and start quest


#think creatively
#control photographic tools
Badgecraft héberge et développe cette plateforme avec les principaux organismes d'éducation. La première version de cette plateforme a été cofinancée par Erasmus +, programme de l'Union européenne. Contactez-nous à : support@badgecraft.eu .
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