О нас
Future Skills Now! - Future Strategy

Future Skills Multiplier

The badge earner participated in Future Skills Now - Future Strategy training and completed the following activities on future opportunities to multiply and disseminate future skills opportunities:
  • got familiar with Erasmus+ opportunities for future skills development;
  • exchanged with peer participants ideas and plans for future collaboration;
  • planed individual actions to follow-up the training in the near future.
Cities of Learning partners have reviewed the submitted evidence and issued this badge to confirm that the badge earner participated in the training activities during the international training Future Strategies in Brezice, Slovenia, in 2022.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 1 задание
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Get familiar with Erasmus+ opportunities for future skills development. Upload your project ideas or describe it here.
  1. What ideas you have to use this programme for international collaboration and future skills development?
  2. What support do you need from Future Skills organisers to take the first steps in realising your idea?
Login and start quest
Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Plan individual actions to follow-up the training in the near future. Upload your plans or describe them here.
  1. What follow-up plans and activities do you want to realise during July-December 2022?
  2. What support do you need from Future Skills organisers to realise your follow-up plans?
Login and start quest


Future Skills Now! - Future Strategy
Badgecraft размещает эту платформу и разрабатывает ее вместе с ведущими образовательными организациями. Программа Европейского Союза Erasmus+ выделила софинансирование для создания первой версии этой платформы. Свяжитесь с support@badgecraft.eu.
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