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Podcast Planning

Podcast Planning

The owner of this badge has completed the required 3 tasks for the learning playlist Podcast Planning. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
  • How to develop an idea for a podcast and identify an audience.
  • How to name their show.
  • How to research and plan content for the show.
  • How to decide upon show structures and frequencies.

Devi completare tutte le attività per ottenere il badge
Task n.1
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Now we are asking you to start with some planning ideas. It is like beginning with the end in mind. This task will help you shape and create your podcast. Things to consider when developing a concept for a show, are: -
  1. Will you use a static topic or will it change week by week?
  2. Will you have guests on the show?
  3. What is the intention of your podcast (informative, opinion, current affairs, etc)?
  4. Your target audience (who will your show be aimed at)?
  5. The length and frequency (how often) of your show?

Answer each point 1 to 5 here:

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Task n.2
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Of course, your podcast will need a name. Your podcast name should at least hit and suggest information about the contents of the show, so with the topic considered, what will you call your podcast show?
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Task n.3
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
So, you have a topic, you have a name, now you need to plan your content. Thinking of your podcast as a show, you’ll need to consider an introduction, the topic and how you approach the topic.
  • Who will be the guests?
  • Will the topic be delivered as a discussion or debate?
  • Does the topic require research?
  • Example:
    Introduction : “Welcome to The Blackpool Coastal Housing Podcast, giving a voice to tenants living on the Fylde Coast.”
    Section 1 : A discussion about the most common issues raised by tenants.
    Section 2 : Guests from the maintenance department of BCH discuss their role and how they address issues raised by tenants.
    Section 3 : A round-up of the discussion finishing with conclusion.
    Outro : “Thanks for listening, you can catch our next episode next week when we’ll be discussing whether social housing requirements are being met by the government.”
    With your show structure created, you can then move on to episode planning. Most podcasts end after just 3 shows, the most successful podcasts have been shown to be those that remain consistent with their content releases. A large part of this is down to episode planning.
    Share your thoughts on your content here (what’s your plan for the show. Think about an introductory paragraph explaining what the podcast is about and whether your subject can be broken down into sections):
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    #apply specific writing techniques
    #plan a music show
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