Youth workers training on international youth work programme design

European Mobility Programmes Initiator

Earners of this badge can demonstrate an understanding of international mobility programmes that bring together young people and they have engaged with Erasmus+ opportunities, specifically focusing on the support provided for non-formal learning mobility among young individuals and those working in the youth field.
They have explored the concept of Youth Exchanges and mobility programs for youth workers and youth work providers, recognizing how these initiatives offer diverse learning opportunities.

To earn the badge, individuals must demonstrate:
- Understanding of Erasmus+ opportunities for international projects involving young people and youth workers outside formal educational structures.
- Knowledge of how Youth Exchanges and mobility programs work in facilitating non-formal learning experiences for young individuals and those working in the youth field.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Learn more about these opportunities by watching the videos that you will find in resources.
Then read the Erasmus+ Guide and learn more details on how to set up a project for:
  • Mobility of young people - Youth exchanges

Please share if you are aware of any good practice projects. Please provide information on who has implemented the project (organisation/institution), what type of project it was (Youth Exchange, mobility for youth worker etc) and share what was the detail that made it a unique learning opportunity for you!
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


Youth workers training on international youth work programme design
Discover European Mobility Programmes
European Funding Programmes
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