Positive Role-Models for Men and Boys

Positive Role-Models for Men and Boys

For this International Men's Day Activity, particpants have shared their responses to what are the qualities of a postive role model and who and why are certain people positive role-models.
Märgi saamiseks tuleb kõik ülesanded lõpetada
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
From your experience, what qualities does a positive role-model need to have? Please make a list of at least 5 of these qualities.
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Can you think of three famous people who you think are great role-models? For each of them think about what they do in their lives that make them a positive role-model for you.
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Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
From the people you know in your everyday life, think of 3 great role models. For each of them think about what they do in their lives that make them a positive role-model for you.
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#Encourages learners’ self-reflection through role-modeling
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