SDG CHALLENGE: SDG 04 Quality Education

SDG 04 HERO: Quality Education

Ženkliuko informacijaPripažinimas

Become an "SDG Hero" by earning this badge

Learn about Sustainable Development goal 4: "Quality Education". Read the text, watch the video and become aware about what this means for the future of Curaçao.
You become an SDG-Hero’ by completing the task below and earning the SDG badge.

Become an 'SDG Super hero'
There is a playlist with 6 activities, each corresponding to a badge. Earn 1 or more badges? Then you’re an 'SDG hero'. If you earn all of them, you’ll receive the badge for completing the entire playlist and become an “SDG Superhero”!

Everyone who earns a badge can also win prizes. And if you manage to become a “SDG Superhero,” there are extra prizes. Your name and photo will be featured on 'Curaçaos SDG Wall of Fame.”

Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Answer these questions:
1) Indicate what area of Curaçao you are from (BandaRiba, BandaBou, MeiMei).
2) Describe what this SDG means for your neighborhood

How to get your badge:
Step 1: Select "Get this badge"
Step 2: Select "Add Evidence" and type your answer.
Step 3: Select "Request badge review'
Step 4: Download the badge wallet (playstore, appstore or https://www.badgewallet.eu/en/) to always have your badge with you on your phone, tablet or laptop.
Prisijunk ir pradėk užduotį


SDG CHALLENGE: SDG 04 Quality Education
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