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Eindhoven beer adventure

Eindhoven beer connoisseur

Informashon di badgeAprobashon
You have to get 3 badges from the list below
This badge recognizes individuals who have demonstrated a deep appreciation for craft beer. To earn this badge, you must have completed a beer tasting, shared your insights through the Eindhoven City of Learning platform, and provided a thoughtful rating of the beer.
Task no.1
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Visit a brewery or café or pub: Choose a local brewery or pub in Eindhoven.

Order a beer: Select a beer that interests you, whether it's a classic pilsner, a hoppy IPA, or a unique specialty brew.

Taste and reflect: Take your time to savor the beer's aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel. Consider factors like bitterness, sweetness, and hoppiness.

Share your impressions: Use the Rating badge to describe your experience. What did you like or dislike about the beer? How did it pair with food?

Rate the beer: Assign a rating to the beer based on your overall impression.

By completing these steps, you'll have earned the coveted Beer Connoisseur badge, showcasing your knowledge and passion for craft beer.


Eindhoven beer adventure
Exploring Eindhoven
Badgecraft ta fasilitá e plataforma akí i ta desaroy'é huntu ku organishonnan líder den edukashon. E programa Erasmus+ di Union Europeo a ko-finansiá kreashon di e promé vershon di e plataforma akí. Tuma kontakto ku
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