Eindhoven beer adventure

Beer rater extraordinair

Nozīmītes informācijaEndorsements
This badge recognizes individuals who have honed their beer tasting skills and can provide insightful reviews. By tasting a local beer and sharing a detailed review, you've demonstrated your ability to appreciate and evaluate beer.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity member
Choose a local beer: Select a beer from a local brewery or pub in Eindhoven.

Taste and evaluate: Carefully taste the beer, paying attention to its aroma, appearance, flavor, and mouthfeel.

Write a detailed review: Use the badge to write a thoughtful review of the beer. Consider the following:
  • Appearance: Color, clarity, head formation, and lacing.
  • Aroma: Hop aroma, malt aroma, and other distinctive scents.
  • Flavor: Sweetness, bitterness, maltiness, hoppiness, and any other noticeable flavors.
  • Mouthfeel: Texture, body, and carbonation.
  • Overall impression: Your overall opinion of the beer, including its balance, complexity, and drinkability.

Submit your review: Share your review in this badge.
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Eindhoven beer adventure
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