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Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating

Advocacy Needs Identifier

This badge shows that the earner understands the realities of young people and youth workers, is aware of their needs, and is ready to take action to ensure their rights are respected. The badge earner explored the fundamentals of needs and rights to identify needs for advocacy in the youth work field.
Using the Workshop "Exploring advocacy needs", youth worker explored the needs, ideas and vision for making change through an advocacy campaign.
The badge showcases learning and youth workers' competence development in the "Networking and Advocating" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally.
Bevis bekreftet av: en aktivitetsarrangør
Get familiar with young people's and youth workers' needs and rights concepts.
  1. Use the workshop "Exploring advocacy needs" to explore issues and problems which advocacy campaigns can address.
  2. Upload a filled-in worksheet explaining your needs and motivation to launch the advocacy campaign on the subject.
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Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating
Identifying needs for youth work advocacy
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