Σχετικά με εμάς
Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating

Stakeholder Mapping

This badge shows that the earner understands how to map, analyze and prioritise stakeholders in the field of youth work, who can be allies or target groups for the advocacy campaing.

During the Workshop "Stakeholder Mapping", youth worker explored a practical flow on how to use Impact/ Influence Matrix to map and analyze stakeholders from one's own youth work system.

The badge shows learning and youth workers' competence development in the "Networking and Advocating" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally.
Αρ. Εργασίας 1
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Share a picture of your stakeholder matrix.
Identify who are your priority stakeholders for you advocacy actions.
Σύνδεση και εκκίνηση της αποστολής


Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating
Stakeholder Mapping
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