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Training Course For Youth Workers on Networking and Advocating

Advocacy Tactics Blaster

To get this badge:
  • Share several tactics that match your advocacy campaign;
  • Explain briefly why you chose these particular tactics.

The badge will be issued upon receiving evidence confirmed by one trainer of the training course on advocacy and networking in the field of youth.

The badge showcases learning and youth workers' competence development in the "Networking and Advocating" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally.
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Share several tactics that match your advocacy campaign. Explain briefly why you chose these particular tactics.

The badge will be issued upon receiving evidence confirmed by one trainer of the training course on advocacy and networking in the field of youth.
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#Appreciation of the added value of new partnership and collaboration opportunities
#Knowledge of advocacy approaches and methods in a youth work context
#Knowledge about digital tools for networking and collaboration, and more inclusive approaches
Badgecraft host dit platform en ontwikkelt het samen met toonaangevende educatieve organisaties. Het programma Erasmus+ van de Europese Unie heeft cofinanciering verleend voor de bouw van de eerste versie van dit platform. Neem contact op met support@badgecraft.eu.
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