The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks for Community Mapping:
- Considered what is unique and important to them as being a part of the community
- Identified the strengths and an area for development for the community
- Explored the statistics for the community and identified the data they felt missing
- Identified a community priority and how it can be addressed
The holder of this badge has participated in day1 of Module 4 of Operation Odyssey - Community US and worked independently to reflect and share their responses and learning.
Completing these four tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the Community Mapping badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Operation Odyssey - Module 4 - Community Us! badge.
Devi completare tutte le attività per ottenere il badge
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Identify what is unique and important about being a part of the army community?
Accedi e inizia la missioneProva verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Share what you believe to be the strengths and the areas for development for the community?
Accedi e inizia la missioneProva verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
What data and numbers shocked you about the community and what do you feel was missing in the numbers?
Accedi e inizia la missioneProva verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
What needs for the community are a priority for you and how can they be best addressed?
Accedi e inizia la missione