Zavod Bob: ULCA
Not in organiser


22 Mar, 17:30
Personīgā attīstība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#mindfulness, #Self-regulation, #breathing techniques, #promote mental health
5 Apr, 17:00
Pilsoniskā līdzdalība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#organise projects, #project management, #application processes, #nuditi pomoč pri prijavi, #pomagati pri prijavi, #project management, #načrtovati projekt
3 Apr, 16:00
Personīgā attīstība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#Reflecting on own values and senses of belonging to increase self-awareness and understanding of difference, #self-awareness, #work with mental health education
Vide un ekoloģija
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#act collectively with a logistics team to achieve work goals, #advertise an event
28 Feb, 16:30
Personīgā attīstība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#mindfulness, #harmonise body movement, #dance movement therapy
27 May, 16:00
Personīgā attīstība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#Self-regulation, #Wellbeing, #recognise mental health issues, #mindfulness, #breathing technique
Pilsoniskā līdzdalība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#promote local youth work, #prepare youth activities, #plan youth activities, #arrange youth activities
31 Aug, 17:00
Pilsoniskā līdzdalība
Zavod Bob: ULCA
#plan youth activities, #plan youth programmes, #promote youth work in the local community
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