DARE Job Lab 1 Learning Pathway

DARE Job Lab 1 Learning Pathway



Set on the learning journey to become more career and employment ready!
This playlist provides key resources linked to 4 Job Lab sessions focusing on mind and self-development, career planning, and young women empowerment.

You can earn a digital badge as evidence of your learning. Collect all 4 badges and get a super badge for this playlist.

The Job Labs are organised by SEAL CYPRUS. The project DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.

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This session is dedicated to young women's empowerment.

During this session you will:
  • understand what gratitude journal is and how it helps;
  • learn what obstacles arise for women in their careers;
  • get to know how to set SMART goals;
  • find your strengths using SWOT analysis.

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Young Women Empowerment Erhalte diesen Badge

Earner of this badge participated in the Job Lab training session "Young Women Empowerment" as part of the DARE - Day One Alliance for Employment project. The aim of this training session was to empower young women for successful careers.
This badge is the digitally verified micro-credential that you:
  • understand what gratitude journal is and how it helps;
  • know how to set SMART goals;
  • know how to find strengths and weaknesses using SWOT analysis.

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Augestellt durch die Organisatoren oder mittels QR Code
Participate actively in the session and get the badge after it.


#set goals
#apply critical thinking
#own emotional intelligence
#identify goals
#job opportunities
#job market
#think critically
Aktivitäten: 4
Begonnen: 5
Absolvierte Playlists: 6
Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 16 Stunden

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