
Berries & Chocolate Easy-Peasy Pie (aka make your guests lick their fingers)


Berries & Chocolate Easy-Peasy Pie (aka make your guests lick their fingers)



Learn to make an every-opportunity-crowd-pleaser pie!


200 g wholegrain butter biscuits
100 g butter / coconut oil
1 tbsp rum (optional)

200 g dark chocolate
100 ml double cream / coconut cream

450 g frozen mixed berries

This is an excellent, tasty and super easy to make pie that will leave your guests licking the spoons, fingers and the bowl! We make it for every birthday party and we never cut it in pieces - with friends we just all dig in one dish until it disappears. It usually takes from 3-5 minutes.

1. Let the berries defrost.
2. Crush the biscuits by hand or in a food processor, add the melted butter and a spoon of a liquor of your choice, and then press the batter evenly into a flat round dish. Put in the fridge to set a bit.
3. After the bottom layer sets a bit, distribute the berries evenly on top of it.*
4. Melt the chocolate and add the cream, mix the two until you have a nice silky smooth topping.
5. Pour the chocolate layer over the berries.
6. Use your creativity to add possible ornaments or sprinkle the pie with some chopped roasted nuts, crushed chocolate or other fruit.
7. Put in the fridge for some hours (if you can) to set.
8. Serve and enjoy!

*You can also add a layer of sliced bananas for a richer taste.

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