
Cyber Youth Workers

Monday, September 12, 2022 21:00 - Sep 15, 08:00
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Dositeja Obradovića 34, Veliki Gaj 26365, Serbia

Cyber Youth Workers

Monday, September 12, 2022 21:00 - Sep 15, 08:00
Dositeja Obradovića 34, Veliki Gaj 26365, Serbia


The fact that digital technology changed our lives and societies is quite obvious to most people. Researches and our own experiences show that digital media and technology influenced heavily the ways young people communicate, receive information, start and maintain friendships. Young people are often stuck in between peer pressure to follow trends supported by digital media and adults in schools and families viewing them as harmful and useless. And this is where youth workers can offer a middle ground and safe space for open discussions about digital technology, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as to support young people in developing their critical thinking, digital, media and information literacy and overall competences to be active citizens in digital age.

The pandemic showed us how important it is to be able to innovate and adapt in situations where the only possible mean of communication with young people is Internet and the only way to do youth work is digitally. Youth workers and educators brought up discussions about non-formal education and its values in online contexts, as well as the importance of digital competences.

This project aims to offer space for reflection on the experience in the period of pandemic, lock-down and restricted mobility, draw some conclusions and capitalize on the lessons learned. Main, long term aim of this project is to improve quality, availability and visibility of youth work, by building capacities of youth workers and youth leaders to create and implement new and innovative programs in the sphere of digital youth work.

  • Ivana Volf
  • Alexandro Jan Lai
  • Snežana Bačlija Knoch

Erhalte einen Badge für diese Aktivität

Cyber Youth Worker Erhalte diesen Badge

The earner of this badge took part in the "Cyber Youth Workers" training course financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
The badge proves that the earner has:

  • Acquired new and improved existing digital competences;
  • Increased their competence in developing and implementing youth work programs;
  • Improved their communication, leadership and teamwork skills;
  • Learned how to use different digital tools in order to support active participation of young people;
  • Tested new tools for working with young people on different topics relevant to their target group;
  • Gained more confidece in developing and implementing international projects;
Du musst alle Aufgaben beenden, um den Badge zu erhalten
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: 2 Aktivitätsteilnehmern
Describe briefly what you believe has been your main learning outcomes from attending this training course.
Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Organisatoren der Aktivität
Upload evidence that you have worked at the design of a project work activity to implement as a follow up to the training course.


Dositeja Obradovića 34, Veliki Gaj 26365, Serbia


#prepare youth activities
#promote local youth work
#digital communications
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Novi Sad City Of Learning
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