
The Journey of the traditional seed

Friday, October 14, 2022 15:00
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Komotini 691 00, Greece

The Journey of the traditional seed

Friday, October 14, 2022 15:00
Komotini 691 00, Greece


The main objective of the activity was to familiarize the children with the sowing and cultivation of traditional seeds, to understand the journey that seeds make from field to plate, also to understand how important the protection of traditional seeds and the link with food safety.
In the context of the experiential workshop, the children listened to her history of traditional seeds, rolled up their sleeves and and planted the vegetables. At the same time, they learned how much sun, watering and fertilizer are needed for plants to be saved and be maintained.
When they left, they took their own pot of seasonal vegetable planted by themselves, to take care of it at home and they completed a questionairre about what they learned and how were they able to maintain in good condition and grow the pot of seasonal vegatable that they took in their home with them.

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People should understand the importance of nature protection.

Gongratulations you achieved to comprehend how important is nature for people. After the presentation that you watched about well-being and how nature can affect the conditions that people live and you participated in the workshop that you discussed with others about the importance of the relationship between humans and environment you are ready to take this badge.
Time to learn new things and preserve what you learned.
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Komotini 691 00, Greece


#environmental science, environmental protection
Umwelt und Ökologie
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Zeit zur Vervollständigung: 2 Stunden

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