Σχετικά με εμάς

Youth sector - know how

Σφαιρική ΕικόναΣήματα

Youth sector - know how



In this field, you will acquire knowledge in the following areas:

Foundations - where to access:
  • Manuals, guides, procedures, and developed methods of youthwork
  • Audiobooks, with explanations also provided through videos and podcasts.

Exploring the needs of young people:
  • Access to information on the needs of young people and local contexts, leveraging the knowledge of the community and its challenges. Involving local professionals in collecting such information can be a viable approach.
  • Collaboration and consultation among youth workers.

  • Compilation of all youth studies conducted at both national and European levels, including secondary studies and analyses.
  • Legal support, encompassing legislation and associated risks.

You will gain information and knowledge on how to research the needs of young people and where existing materials are available to assist them in this. You will also actively seek pathways to find legal and administrative foundations for conducting youth work.

V tem poglavju boste pridobili znanja na naslednjih področjih:
Temelji - kje lahko dostopate do informacij:
  • Priročniki, vodniki, postopki in razvite metode mladinskega dela
  • Avdioknjige, razlage pa so na voljo tudi v videoposnetkih in podcastih.

Raziskovanje potreb mladih:
  • Dostop do informacij o potrebah mladih in lokalnih okoliščinah z uporabo znanja o skupnosti in njenih izzivih. Vključevanje lokalnih strokovnjakov v zbiranje takšnih informacij je lahko izvedljiv pristop.
  • Sodelovanje in posvetovanje med mladinskimi delavci.

  • Zbirka vseh študij o mladih, opravljenih na nacionalni in evropski ravni, vključno s sekundarnimi študijami in analizami.
  • Pravna podpora, ki vključuje zakonodajo in z njo povezana tveganja.

Pridobili boste informacije in znanje o tem, kako raziskati potrebe mladih in kje so na voljo obstoječa gradiva za pomoč pri tem. Prav tako boste aktivno iskali poti za iskanje pravnih in upravnih podlag za izvajanje mladinskega dela.

U ovom poglavlju steći ćete znanja iz sljedećih područja:

Osnove - gdje pristupiti:
  • Priručnici, vodiči, postupci i razvijene metode rada s mladima
  • Audio Knjige, s objašnjenjima također dostupnim putem video zapisa i podcasta.

Istraživanje potreba mladih osoba:
  • Pristup informacijama o potrebama mladih ljudi i lokalnim kontekstima, koristeći znanje zajednica i njihovih izazova. Uključivanje lokalnih stručnjaka u prikupljanje takvih informacija može biti održiv pristup.
  • Suradnja i savjetovanje između osoba koje rade s mladima.

  • Kompilacija svih studija o mladima provedenih na nacionalnoj i europskoj razini, uključujući sekundarne studije i analize.
  • Pravna podrška, koja obuhvaća zakonodavstvo i povezane rizike.

Dobit ćete informacije i znanja o tome kako istražiti potrebe mladih i gdje su dostupni materijali koji im u tome mogu pomoći. Također ćete aktivno tražiti putove za pronalaženje pravnih i administrativnih temelja za provođenje rada s mladima.


În acest capitol veți dobândi cunoștințe în următoarele domenii:
Fundamente - unde puteți accesa informații:
  • Manuale, ghiduri, proceduri și metode dezvoltate în lucrul cu tinerii
  • Audiobook-uri, cu explicații oferite și prin intermediul videoclipurilor și podcast-urilor.

Explorarea nevoilor tinerilor:
  • Accesul la informații despre nevoile tinerilor în contexte locale în utilizarea cunoștințelor despre organizațiile de tineret și rezultatele acestora. Implicarea profesioniștilor locali în colectarea acestor informații poate fi o abordare viabilă.
  • Cooperarea și consultarea între lucrătorii de tineret.

  • Compilarea tuturor studiilor privind tineretul realizate la nivel național și european, inclusiv a studiilor și analizelor secundare.
  • Asistență juridică, care include legislația și riscurile asociate cu aceasta.

Veți dobândi informații și cunoștințe despre cum să cercetați despre nevoile tinerilor și unde sunt disponibile materiale existente care să-i ajute în acest sens. De asemenea, veți căuta în mod activ căi pentru a găsi bazele juridice și administrative pentru desfășurarea activității de tineret.


Αποκτήστε το σήμα δραστηριότητας

Youth work manuals and resources Αποκτήστε αυτό το σήμα

Participants will be able to find relevant sources for implementing activities in youth work at the international level. They will be familiar with them and know how to incorporate them into their activities.
Πρέπει να ολοκληρώσετε τουλάχιστον 1 εργασία για να λάβετε το σήμα
Αρ. Εργασίας 1
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Browse through selected 3 pages:
  • Council of Europe Manuals
  • Positive Youth Development 101
  • Salto Youth Publications

For each page:
  • Choose one publication that you believe would be most beneficial for your work. Provide an explanation for your selection.
  • Pick one publication from all three lists that you think would be most valuable for your colleagues. Justify your choice.
Αρ. Εργασίας 2
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Go to Eurobarometer: https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/screen/home

Find 3 most interesting facts about youth in the EU. Write them down and explain why they are interesting to you.
Find 3 most interesting facts about youth in your country. Write them down and explain why they are interesting to you.

Go to the national level and try to find latest national survey on youth.

When was it conducted?
What are the 3 most relevant outcomes for your work?
What is missing in it?

Explain three potential methods within your context to identify the actual needs of the young people you are working with.

Αρ. Εργασίας 3
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Find your country's data protection legislation and review the relevant data protection law/s. Conduct an online search to identify three cases of data protection guidelines used by youth organizations in your country. Examine whether these guidelines align with all legal regulations, and describe your findings.

Αρ. Εργασίας 4
Τα στοιχεία επαληθεύτηκαν από: Ένας διαχειριστής έργου
Insurance becomes crucial only in times of need. Explore the following aspects of insurance:
a) Identify the insurance your organization has and describe its coverage.
b) Determine who bears responsibility in the event of participant incidents, such as injuries.
c) Consider whether there are alternative arrangements that might be more suitable. Explain why and propose potential changes.
For further insights and clarity, you can refer to the contents of this publication:

Ετοιμότητα καριέρας και εργασίας
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Ώρα για να ολοκληρωθεί: 45 λεπτά


Zavod Nefiks

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You(th)App training for youth workers
Zavod Nefiks
Δημιουργήθηκε στο Ljubljana City of Learning
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