How to apply and how to write a good application?
When it comes to applying, often the question comes up, what to write in an application and how to prepare it in the best way possible. Those surely are basic questions and many people across the globe are facing them aiming to get the job, the position, or programme, which they are interested in. And yes, many tips and tricks for this can be found across the internet. There are platforms which help you with designing the perfect CV, the perfect cover letter, there are videos, which tell you how to prepare for a good application and there are checklists for certain words, which improve your chances (according to statistics) when you use them.
Well, according to our understanding, which we have in the Cities and Regions of Learning Network, applications for training courses are different than that. Yes, some of those tips could indeed also be useful when applying for a training course, however we recommend to approach your application in a different way. We believe that when its about applying for an experience within the field of international youth work, two main things are really important:
And here is why:
When you apply for a training course experience you are applying for a (usually) short term mobility in the field of youth work. This is of course different then adressing an application to an HR department. As it the filed of non-fomrla education, it is also usually not so much about your formal education background, or your formal qualifiactions. No, when its about applying for a training course, your interest and your drive for the learning experience is in focus.
But how to do it?
In the previous activity you got to know the diverse ways of finding potential mobility oportunities. The same diversity can be found when speaking about the technical way, how to apply for a training course. As each training course is designed as it own project by individual organisations, there is no general way, how an application does look like.You will have to check it in the call for the project. However most often digital forms or surveys are used in order to submit the important data and answer the main questions. And yes most training courses work with questions in there dorms. That does help you to structure the information and answer only the relevant part.
But doesnst matter whether your application will be done through forms, through an e-mail or any other kidn of tools, those are usually the main aspects when applying for a training course:
A) Who are you and what are your contact details?
Its obvious that your contcat details are important, as well as information from where you will be travelling etc. This sometimes has an influence on the budget of the training course, so the organisers do have to know thos information.
B) What is your background in the field of youth-work?
As you have learned in this playlist, training course are understood as aiming to contribute to the field of youth work. Thus it is really important that you share what is your role in this field. Whats the organisation you work with? Who are the young people? Wahts your specific role? And which experience do you have? Make sure it is understandable with whom you work and what exactly are your tasks.
C) What motivates you for this training course?
This part is about your individual motiavtion for this particular training course. Why is the topic interetsing to you? How do you connect the topic of the course to your expereince in the field of youth work so far? What do you want to learn and achieve when attending this trainung course. And of course your really personal motovation also has a place here.
D) What are your intentions to use the experience in your engagement in the field of youth work?
In this part you can link your role and background with the topics of the training course and future plans. Sometimes really concrete questions are asked (e.g. Do you have already a project idea, that you want to gor for?). In this case surely focus on the those questions first and be as precisely as you can be. In any case it is rceommended to share in this part, how you will apply your individual learning and outcomes from this training course in your engagement in the field of yoith work. What will you bring back to your organisation and how will you use the (new gained or improved) knowledge, skills and comeptences there. Of course at the time of the application its just like a guess. However it is importnat for the organisers to understand, that you actually plan to use the learning from this training course in your engagement.
Besides all those aspects: Tell your story...
Keep in mind, that you are applying for a training course, which is limited in time. And that it is a project which is part of the field of youth work or non-formal education. The organisers are of course totally aware of this. Thus they are not so much interested in your degrees or your formal graduation story. Surely it is ok mentioning them, if you feel like, but make you put the focus on telling your story, your background and simple be yourself.