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GreenTech Youth Catalyst - Training Course

Olomouc, Czechia

GreenTech Youth Catalyst - Training Course

Olomouc, Czechia


(Czech Republic, dates: 23. - 30.3. 2025)
GOAL: Youth workers meet to develop an online course together based on the needs of their communities, exchange good practices and develop further green skills and sustainable practices. Afterwards, they will implement the online course in their local youth work at home. They will have a couple months to develop and improve the online activity, while discussing it during several online meetings with all the partners.

PARTICIPANTS: 3/organization

- The digital open education resource (at least its initial version) will be created.
- The youth workers will exchange their good practices related to youth work, emphasizing the development of green skills, raising awareness about environmental issues etc - so new skills, competencies and ideas for carrying out local youth activities related to the project's main topic will be developed.

- Learning assessment and assessment on quality of management in the project will be carried out, monitored and results delivered for the final report.


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GreenTech Youth Catalyst - Training Course Get this badge

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(Czech Republic, dates: 23. - 30.3. 2025)
GOAL: Youth workers meet to develop an online course together based on the needs of their communities, exchange good practices and develop further green skills and sustainable practices. Afterwards, they will implement the online course in their local youth work at home. They will have a couple months to develop and improve the online activity, while discussing it during several online meetings with all the partners.

PARTICIPANTS: 3/organization

- The digital open education resource (at least its initial version) will be created.
- The youth workers will exchange their good practices related to youth work, emphasizing the development of green skills, raising awareness about environmental issues etc - so new skills, competencies and ideas for carrying out local youth activities related to the project's main topic will be developed.

- Learning assessment and assessment on quality of management in the project will be carried out, monitored and results delivered for the final report.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: self-approved
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Olomouc, Czechia
Environment end ecology
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Time to complete: 1 hour 30 minutes


Youth Progress
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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