
Open Arts Award Bronze

Panorama generalInsignias

Open Arts Award Bronze



This Bronze Arts Award Learning Playlist is designed to support and guide you through your Bronze Arts Award journey. The playlist is generic and offers you the opportunity to identify your own arts activities to participate in, your own arts event to review, your own research into your own arts inspiration, as well as the freedom to identify, plan and realise the sharing of a creative and arts skill with others.

Bronze Arts Award is a Level 1 qualification (on the Regulated Qualifications Framework) and is open to young people aged 11 to 25. To achieve a Bronze Arts Award, young people collect evidence in an individual arts log or portfolio of their experiences, for you this will be done through the Blackpool City of Learning platform and achievements recognised by badges. The platform allows you to submit, text, images (photos), videos, hyperlinks and much more as part of your evidence. What is important is that you answer and respond to the tasks within each of the activities.

Find out more about the Bronze Arts Award and watch the video.

This playlist will help you to think, reflect and document your journey as you grow and develop your understanding of who you are as a young creative and artist.
Your Arts Award Bronze journey will allow you to:
  • Share your ambitions as a young artist and why you want to do the Bronze Arts Award
  • Identify and take part in a creative arts based activity and develop and reflect on your creative skills
  • Be the audience and experience art, by attending an arts event and sharing a review
  • Identify how you are creatively inspired by an artist of your choice and share your inspiration with others identify, plan and share a creative skill with others
*Note: there is a cost for official moderation and certification through Trinity College London. £25 person plus a £20 Centre administration. Total = £45. On completion of the course we will be in touch to see if you want to progress to moderation and certification.

Actividades a realizar

Complete las siguientes actividades, gane insignias y verá el progreso de su lista de reproducción actualizada
Arts Award Bronze - Ambition and Me
1 hora 30 minutos
Ver actividad completa


This is your chance to be the audience for the arts and respond to your experience.
What have you seen? Where have you seen it? (include evidence like photos, tickets and programmes).
What did you enjoy about the experience? What did you dislike about the experience? Note: remember to explain why!
Describe what you have seen to family and friends. What did they think about it, would they go and see it?
Based on what you have seen, did you discover a favourite artist and why?
Include photo’s of you being the audience, being at the venue, exploring and experiencing the arts.
(remember to explain what is happening in the picture)

Consigue la insignia de actividad

Being the Audience Consigue esta insignia

The owner of this badge has completed the required 4 tasks required for the ‘Being the Audience’ activity which forms a part of the learning playlist ‘Open Arts Award Bronze’. The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks include:
  • Identified and attended an arts event, documented and described their audience experience
  • Shared evidence of them attending the arts event
  • Researched and identified other events at the attended venue
  • Shared with others a review of the experience
Completing these four tasks means they have successfully provided evidence to gain the ‘Being the Audience’ badge and are now over halfway to achieving the overall ‘Open Arts Award Bronze badge.

Tiene que terminar todas las tareas para conseguir la insignia
Tarea no.1
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Document your visit and clearly describe what creative works you have been to see. Record where visited, what did you see, whose work did you see, what did you think about it? What was your favourite piece/part and why? What was your least favourite piece/part and why?
Tarea no.2
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Share evidence of your visit -photos, videos and notes. Maybe the art pieces (well the ones you are allowed to photograph), you and/or people reading the programme (if there is one), you in the gallery and/or space.
Tarea no.3
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Research and document what else you could see and experience at the venue and your thoughts why you would be interested in another visit?
Tarea no.4
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Share with others your experience about being the audience for the arts and of your visit. This could include; friends, family, parents, teachers etc.


Blackpool, UK


#able to use learning strategies
#assess opinions
#carry out a research strategy
#Inspire and get inspired
#asistir a eventos
#active event participation
#adjust teaching to target group
#reflexionar críticamente sobre los procesos de producción artística
#accept feedback
#control photographic tools
#document and share well results
#choose artistic materials to create artworks
#pensar de manera creativa
Actividades: 5
Iniciado: 8
Lista de reproducción completada: 1
Tiempo para completar: 2 días 23 horas 30 minutos


Think Forward
Badgecraft alberga esta plataforma y la desarrolla junto con organizaciones líderes educativas. El consorcio Europeo desarrolla esta plataforma con la cofinanciación del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
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