
Making Sense of Half Term


Making Sense of Half Term



The playlist will allow you to explore and utilise your five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste and touch) in two very different environments; indoors and outdoors. We want you to utilise your half term holiday to better understand how you experience the things around you and how you engage with them through your senses.

Suoritettavat aktiviteetit

Suorita seuraavat toimet, ansaitse merkkejä ja näet soittolistan edistymisen päivitettynä
Experiencing the indoors
1 tunti
Näytä koko aktiviteetti


Now it is time to head outdoors and use your senses to connect with it.
Now that the weather is hopefully improving it is a great opportunity to do more outside.

Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki

Experiencing the outdoors Hanki tämä merkki

Now it is time to head outdoors and use your senses to connect with it.
Now that the weather is hopefully improving it is a great opportunity to do more outside.

Sinun täytyy suorittaa 1 tehtävä saadaksesi merkin
Tehtävä nro.1
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
While walking in your favourite outdoors place, try to focus on the things that bring positive feelings to you. What is your favourite view, or thing to look at in your favourite outdoor space? Take a moment to enjoy the view and then share a picture of your favourite view.
Tehtävä nro.2
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
The outdoors has for sure much more sounds than the inside of our house. Take a moment to close your eyes and what sounds of nature do you hear? Can you identify which sounds are natural and which ones are not. Make a list of the different things you can hear. Describe the sound or even record it.
Tehtävä nro.3
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
When going for a walk, is there a specific smell that you like? It can be the smell of fish and chips, the seaside, the grass being cut or flowers, or anything else you like? What are your favourite smells in the outdoors? Is there a story behind the fact that you like that smell, does it remind you of memories?
Tehtävä nro.4
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Next on the senses’ list comes taste! Taste is very easily and intensely with our memories. Is there a memory that comes to your mind? It could be the taste of a drink or a food, the taste of rain or the taste of a snowflake landing on your tongue. Share that memory.
Tehtävä nro.5
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Last, but equally important is the sense of touch. In the usual walk route you have, find a tree that you like, go close to it and touch it with your hands. How does it feel? How is the texture of it? Describe the feeling and take a picture of it!


#remember information
#apply active listening techniques
#oman kehon tunteminen
#stay focused
Aktiviteetit: 2
Alkoi: 9
Soittolista suoritettu: 1
Suoritusaika: 2 tuntia


Think Forward
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä
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