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Game On Report on the quality of the project - QAP Final Report

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Game On Report on the quality of the project - QAP Final Report



The Final Quality Assurance Plan (QAP), completed by the University of Barcelona, presents the culmination of the Game On project. The document offers an evaluation of its phases, from defining objectives and developing scalable training systems to conducting tests and evaluations. It is the last QAP of the project, after 4 other reports that assessed the project quality during the development of Game On. In only 3 pages, highlighting significant practices, the evolution of training modules, and innovative scaling and dissemination methods, the Final QAP encapsulates the project's efforts to enhance inclusion through game design, culminating in a robust assessment of its impact and the future paths forward.


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GameOn - Game Design for Inclusion
Badgecraft héberge et développe cette plateforme avec les principaux organismes d'éducation. La première version de cette plateforme a été cofinancée par Erasmus +, programme de l'Union européenne. Contactez-nous à : support@badgecraft.eu .
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