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Ottopia - Kinderstadt 2024

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Ottopia - Kinderstadt 2024



DE: Vom 22. Juli bis zum 2. August 2024 findet die Europäische Kinderstadt Magdeburg statt. Im Laufe der zwei Wochen entsteht im Amtsgarten der Europäischen Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg ein Stadtleben, das die teilnehmenden Kinder selbst gestalten und weiterentwickeln. In verschiedenen Berufen können sie ihre Talente testen und wirtschaftliche Verzahnung hautnah erleben. Spielerisch müssen sie sich dabei mit demokratischen Abstimmungsprozessen und Themen wie gesellschaftlichem Zusammenleben, Arbeit und Lohn, Selbst- und Mitbestimmung auseinandersetzen. Gleichzeitig erfahren sie, dass die Welt nicht überall gleich aussieht und funktioniert – dafür sorgen die Betreuer*innen aus ganz Deutschland und Europa. Diese Betreuer*innen wurden vorher in verschiedenen Schulungen vom Team der Europäischen Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg geschult.
In dieser Playlist können die Betreuer*innen ihre Erfahrungen in der Arbeit mit den Kindern teilen, interkulturelles Lernen reflektieren, die Kinderstadt evaluieren und Revue passieren lassen.

ENG: The European Children's City of Magdeburg takes place from June 22nd to August 2nd, 2024. Over the course of two weeks, city life develops in the official garden of the European Youth Education Center in Magdeburg, which the participating children shape and develop themselves. They can test their talents in various professions and experience economic integration up close. They have to playfully deal with democratic voting processes and topics such as social coexistence, work and wages, self-determination and co-determination. At the same time, they learn that the world doesn't look and work the same everywhere - the volunteer supervisors from all over Germany, Europe and the World make sure of that. These supervisors were previously trained in various training courses by the team at the European Youth Education Center in Magdeburg.
In this playlist, the supervisors can share their experiences in working with the children, reflect on intercultural learning, evaluate the children's town and review it.

Activités à compléter

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Becoming a Volunteer: Ottopia - Kinderstadt 2024
Durée inconnue
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You are looking for an adventurous summer 2024? Why don´t spend it with a bunch of fun children and explore the values of democracy and Europe with them!?
Ottopia, the Kinderstadt (Children´s City) in Magdeburg is waiting for your application as a volunteer!
A team of 40 young internationals are invited for an European Solidarity Corps (ESC) from July 15 to August 18, 2024.


  • Information about the project
  • Application

Get activity badge

Becoming a Volunteer: Ottopia - Kinderstadt 2024 Get this badge

The owner of this badge knows what a Kinderstadt/Children´s City is and reflected whether they could see themself as volunteers in this project.
Vous devez terminer au moins 1 tâche pour obtenir ce badge
Tâche n°1
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Do some research on what a Children´s City is. Look on this website or explore the Instagram account kinderstadt.md.
To check whether you really did your research answer the following questions:
Who is not allowed in the Children´s City?
How many children can visit the city every day?
Who will build the Children´s City?
Tâche n°2
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Is this something you could see yourself in this summer? Why do you think this opportunity is fitting for you? What aspect of this European solidarity Corps are you most looking forward to?

Note: To actually apply visit the European Youth Portal.
Working with children in Ottopia 2024
10 minutes


#give constructive feedback
#Learn from experience
#be responsible for children in day care
#demonstrate intercultural awareness
#demonstrate intercultural competence
#support children's wellbeing
#apply intercultural teaching strategies
#write an evaluation reports
#inform volunteers
#involving volunteers
#recruit volunteers
#supervise children
#support children's wellbeing
#demonstrate intercultural competence
#demonstrate intercultural awareness
#work in an international environment
#apply intercultural teaching strategies
#give constructive feedback
#write an evaluation reports
Activités : 4
Débuté : 4
Playlist terminée : 0
Temps à compléter : 35 minutes
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Europäische Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg (EJBM)
Badgecraft héberge et développe cette plateforme avec les principaux organismes d'éducation. La première version de cette plateforme a été cofinancée par Erasmus +, programme de l'Union européenne. Contactez-nous à : support@badgecraft.eu .
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