Visit a local maker space to learn about the tools and resources available for creating and innovating. This activity will give you a hands-on experience with different technologies and tools, and introduce you to a community of like-minded individuals.
The visit to a local maker space, which gives individuals a hands-on experience with different technologies and tools, and introduces them to a community of like-minded individuals. This activity is intended to foster skills in creativity, problem-solving, adaptability, collaboration, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship.
Some examples of marker spaces in Cluj-Napoca:
You can find out more about what is a marker space on the link below:
Ottieni badge per l'attività
For this badge you will have to experience the practical side of skill development by visiting and exploring a marker space in your city. Attività
Prova verificata da: un organizzatore dell'attività
Take a tour of the maker space, ask questions, and try out some of the tools and technologies available.
Take a photo in the marker space you have visited.