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Access costs to Cities of Learning and Awero platforms

Version: 7 June 2024

Cities of Learning and Awero platforms enable open, accessible, inclusive learning and recognition opportunities for learners, organisers, and stakeholders. Learning and recognition are a public interest and should be available and affordable to everyone.

While faced with choosing to seek private investment to pursue business aspirations, we decided to stay faithful to the public interest and seek not-for-profit goals. During 2024, we are merging Badgecraft and Nectarus to establish a not-for-profit organisation - Awero. This year, we will renew our offer of digital platforms with extended educational and training services.

Consequently, we needed to reduce our capacity to develop platforms further. We continue maintaining and bug-fixing them at a necessary minimum level. We accept that even such minimum necessary commitment has costs, such as the time needed to fix critical bugs, pay servers, support users, and ensure data security and platforms’ stability.

We expect our platform users, members and partners to understand that platforms may have temporary downtime or not work as expected. We put our best efforts into ensuring that platforms function well.

We offer three engagement levels to access and use the Cities of Learning and Awero platforms.

  • Open Access - anyone can register Personal and Organisation accounts and use the platforms by accepting our general Terms of Use, Privacy and Data Security Policies. Voluntary donations are more than welcome in return for open access to platforms.
  • Standard Access - We sign a Standard Access agreement that entitles organisations to choose a flexible level of access for a tier of users and use the platform as it is with an understanding and acceptance of how we maintain and operate platforms. General policies will apply to this level of accounts.
  • Partner Access - We sign a Partner Access agreement that provides organisations with the maximum possible platforms’ functionality and features, priority to respond to bug reports, additional collaboration and funding opportunities. In exchange, a commitment is required to seek together resources to sustain platforms. General policies will apply to this level of accounts.

Platforms offer a default functionality. There is no option to customise features or functionality on demand.

Contact us:

Customisation possibilities:

Organisations can set up and launch a custom-look platform following pre-defined design and layout rules. The initial cost to set up such a platform is 1.750 Euro for Standard Access and 1.500 Euro for Partner Access. The amounts include unlimited first-year platform access and use. Later, the platform access cost calculation will follow general contribution conditions. Such custom-look platform can have the following set up tailored to organiser needs:
  • Organisers logo use
  • Custom domain (subject to availability)
  • Primary colour
  • Unique home page content organised using the pre-designed blocks
  • More control over the platform’s content and who is using it

Some examples of custom-looking platforms:
  • Mykolas Romeris University’s platform for micro-credentials
  • ExpeditieRED platform
  • Trainers appraisal platform by the International Youth Work Trainers Guild
  • Youth Work Pathways to Professional Development and Recognition
  • GameOn platform on Game Design for Inclusion resources
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
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