Italy is a strongly Catholic country and you can certainly see that from the amount of churches that Cagliari has to offer.
Churches in Cagliari date back to various centuries, and have been built in a variety of styles. Most of them are located in the historical center of town and are free to visit, they are usually open to the public and you can go there on your own.
From the tall Cathedral of St. Mary to the panoramic Church of Bonaria, and from the creepy frescos of St. Sepulchre to the small but renowned Church of St. Efisio, protector of Cagliari and probably the most revered Saint in Sardinia, there’s no shortage of interesting places to discover and learn the history of.
For this activity, you can start from Piazza Yenne and move around the historical centre from there.
If you're tackling this activity after activity 2 of the playlist and you've ended up in Via Stretta or Via Piccioni, we suggest that you start instead from the Cathedral and move downhill from there.
You can find a selection of interesting churches and a map of a possible itinerary in the resources section and in the map below.
We recommend the use of Google Maps for finding your way.

Hint: if you don’t have internet access through your phone’s mobile data, turn on your wi-fi and look for “Free Wi-Fi Ca” network. Much of the city centre is covered by this open wi-fi network that allows you to navigate for 3 consecutive hours for free by just accepting their terms and conditions.
You’ll have to complete at least 2 of the 3 listed tasks in order to claim your badge.
Piazza Palazzo, 4/A, 09124 Cagliari CA, Italy