
A Gift of Learning


A Gift of Learning



This playlist was inspired by a partnership within the project “Connected cities of learning” and was made during a study visit event in Ljubljana by very awesome participants from Cagliari (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia).
In this playlist you will find a holiday gift of learning with love to our platform users.
Activities of Playlist are short lessons which will give you an opportunity to learn quick skill (up to 10 minutes) and to gain an open badge.

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Happy Christmas in Slovene language
10 minučių
Peržiūrėti visą veiklą


The goal of this activitiy is to learn together one of the most popular songs in sard language. A song belonging to sard tradition. The song is called "no potho reposare" and it is expressed in sard language.

Non potho reposare
Non potho reposare amore 'e coro
Pensendte a tie so donzi momentu
No istes in tristura prenda 'e oro
Ne in dispiaghere o pensamentu
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
Ca t'amo forte e t'amo e t'amo e t'amo
Simm'essere possibile da un anghelu
S'ispiritu invisibbile piccabo
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
C'amo forte e t'amo e t'amo e t'amo
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
C'amo forte e t'amo e t'amo e t'amo
Sa sformas e furabo dae chelu
Su sole e sos isteddos e formabo
Unu mundu bellissimu pro tene
Pro poter dispensare cada bene
Unu mundu bellissimu pro tene
Pro poter dispensare cada bene
Non potho reposare amore 'e coro
Pensende a tie so donzi momentu
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
Ca t'amo forte e t'amo e t'am
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
Ca t'amo forte e t'amo

I can't rest
The love of my heart can't rest
thinking you every moment
Don't be sad gold jewel
don't be sorry or worried
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
If only I could, I would take the spirit of an invisible angel
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
The shapes
I would steal from the sky the Sun and the stars
and I would create a wonderful world for you,
in order to give you all the good things
The love of my heart can't rest
thinking you every moment
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
The song was written by a Sarule lawyer, a poet, a playwright, Salvatore Sini (known by the name Badore). It is said that Badore, one day when he was pervaded by immense sadness, sitting at his desk, wrote as he always did in his diary: “Nuoro 23 July 1915 at 3:50 pm at 4 pm, A diosa... "

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

A romantic poetry: "No potho reposare" a song, a poetry, a symbol of the sard culture Gauk šį ženkliuką

The goal of this activitiy is to learn together one of the most popular songs in sard language. A song belonging to sard tradition. The song is called "no potho reposare" and it is expressed in sard language.

Non potho reposare
Non potho reposare amore 'e coro
Pensendte a tie so donzi momentu
No istes in tristura prenda 'e oro
Ne in dispiaghere o pensamentu
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
Ca t'amo forte e t'amo e t'amo e t'amo
Simm'essere possibile da un anghelu
S'ispiritu invisibbile piccabo
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
C'amo forte e t'amo e t'amo e t'amo
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
C'amo forte e t'amo e t'amo e t'amo
Sa sformas e furabo dae chelu
Su sole e sos isteddos e formabo
Unu mundu bellissimu pro tene
Pro poter dispensare cada bene
Unu mundu bellissimu pro tene
Pro poter dispensare cada bene
Non potho reposare amore 'e coro
Pensende a tie so donzi momentu
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
Ca t'amo forte e t'amo e t'am
T'assicuro che a tie solu bramo
Ca t'amo forte e t'amo

I can't rest
The love of my heart can't rest
thinking you every moment
Don't be sad gold jewel
don't be sorry or worried
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
If only I could, I would take the spirit of an invisible angel
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
The shapes
I would steal from the sky the Sun and the stars
and I would create a wonderful world for you,
in order to give you all the good things
The love of my heart can't rest
thinking you every moment
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
I assure you that I desire only you
I love you strongly, I love you, I love you
The song was written by a Sarule lawyer, a poet, a playwright, Salvatore Sini (known by the name Badore). It is said that Badore, one day when he was pervaded by immense sadness, sitting at his desk, wrote as he always did in his diary: “Nuoro 23 July 1915 at 3:50 pm at 4 pm, A diosa... "

Užduotis nr.1
Išduoda organizatorius arba nuskaitant QR kodą
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#gaminti žuvį ir jūros gėrybes
#suprasti geometrinius matmenis ir leistinus nuokrypius
#muzikos stiliai
#stebėti medžiagas
#naudoti maisto gamybos technologijas
#kurti meno kūrinius
#parodyti susidomėjimą
#kurti naujus receptus
#muzikos teorija
#atsipalaidavimo technikos
#somatinės integruotos sąlygos
#prižiūrėti šnekamosios kalbos mokymąsi
#kūrybiškai mąstyti
#sudaryti receptus
Renginiai: 7
Pradėta: 7
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 0
Laikas pabaigti: 2 valandos 45 minutės


Ljubljana City of Learning
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