My pathway to a volunteering experience

My pathway to a volunteering experience



Welcome to your pathway to a volunteering experience!
This learning playlist consists of a range of activities which aim to lead you step by step to the volunteering opportunity of your dreams!
The value of international youth-work: In the first opportunity you can discover the value of youth work. A volunteering service is closely related to the topic and therefore it´s useful to know about it.
Volunteering experience: What is that? In the second activity you can explore what a volunteering experience is if you don´t know yet. We especially want to introduce you to the European Solidarity Corps, which is funded by the European Commission.
Is it the right track? In the third activity you get the opportunity to check yourself. Is a volunteering experience the right track for you?
Find your perfect match! The fourth activity helps you to find the perfect match: the volunteering experience of your dreams!
Tips and tricks to your application: In the fifth activity we offer you tips and tricks to a hopefully successful application.
My application: You are ready to apply? Earn a badge doing so in the sixth activity!
My successful participation: And finally it´s time to tell your own story of your volunteering experience in the last activity!

This playlist is created by Cities of Learning, an international network of youth organizations. We want to encourage people to use the many opportunities that are out there.

Baigti renginius

Atlikite šias veiklas, gaukite ženkliukus ir pamatysite grojaraščio progresą
The value of international youth-work
20 minučių


Going for a volunteering service, is it really something for me?

You are thinking about doing a voluntary service? You are not sure, whether you are on the right track with this idea? We have a small self check-up in this activity.

In the previous activity you were able to explore what a volunteering experience is about, to whom it is targeted and what the general concept of it is. Surely there are also formal criteria, such as the minimum age and country of residence.

But more important is:
Do you identify yourself in this?
Picture yourself during a volunteering service. What will you experience? What are you going to learn and how will you grow? What are your expectations?

Do the self check-up!
Take the survey down below to check if your imagination coincides with reality!
This test might answer some of your questions as well. But don´t worry. No matter how you answer the questions, in the end you alone know what´s best for you!

The next activities in this playlist will help you to learn where and how you can apply for a volunteering service.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Decision maker (Volunteering experience) Gauk šį ženkliuką

Earners of this badge reflected, whether the format of an international volunteering experience would fit to their individual learning requirements and plans. They also evaluated, whether they are eligible for this kind of youth mobility and are aware what is the main motivation to go for it.
Užduotis nr.1
Išduoda organizatorius arba nuskaitant QR kodą
We prepared a small self check-up for you. Click through the questions in one of these links.
Use this link if you are thinking about a short term volunteering experience.
Use this link if you are thinking about a long term volunteering experience. Both links are very similar with only a few small differences.
Show evidence (a screenshot) that you reached the end of the survey.
Is there something you worry about? What are you most exited about?


#instruktuoti savanorius
#encourage volunteers
#help volunteers
#inform volunteers
#involve the volunteers
#įtraukti savanorius
#recruit volunteers
#manage personal lifelong learning
#Atsižvelgti į neformaliojo ugdymo principus ir juos taikyti kuriant programą, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant „jaunimo orientacijai“, „skaidrumui“, „demokratinėms vertybėms“, „dalyvavimui“, „įgalinimui“ ir „socialinei transformacijai“
#Knowledge of assessment practices in non-formal learning
#Knowledge of the values and key principles of non-formal learning
#briefing volunteers
#arrange charity activities
#help volunteers
#encourage volunteers
#inform volunteers
#application method
#encourage cultural diversity
#advise on careers
#accord help on self management
#achieve optimal time-critical decision making
#foreign languages for careers abroad
#counsel on career
#Pripažinti kitų patirtis
Renginiai: 7
Pradėta: 4
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 0
Laikas pabaigti: 1 valanda 55 minutės


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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