
Birds & Bees: Sex* Education in Youth Work


Birds & Bees: Sex* Education in Youth Work



Birds & Bees: Sex* Education in Youth Work
As you probably know, youth work has so many faces and so many realities. You might be involved in a local youth club that happens after school, or support a group of scouts, or lead theatre workshops on weekends. You might be a leader of youth camps in summer or someone who makes possible international volunteering camps or youth exchanges. In any of these places, young people bring their excitement and worries with them. They bring their sexual beings with them as well and you need to know how to support them in the best way possible. This does not mean though you need to become an expert. However, you need to know the basics and explore further if interested in some topic of Comprehensive Sex* Education.

On this playlist, you find content on Comprehensive Sex* Education that is divided into eight activities according to the chapters we have developed.
For further information visit: https://birds-bees.eu/

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Skills for Sexual Health and Well-being in Youth Work
We explore vital skills for enhancing sexual health among young people in youth work settings, aiming to equip youth workers with tools applicable across diverse environments. By understanding the interplay of cultural factors and sexual health, we can navigate sex education complexities, focusing on fostering safe environments for exploration and empowering informed decision-making. Through communication, media literacy, and support provision, youth workers play a pivotal role in promoting healthy relationships and empowering young individuals on their journey towards sexual well-being.
In this chapter, we will explore essential skills for promoting sexual health and well-being among young people in the context of youth work. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive framework that can be applied by youth workers in various settings, including youth centres, street youth work, schools, and international youth exchanges and events. We recognize that as youth workers, we play a vital role in the education and support of young people, and we want to share with you the necessary knowledge and tools to address these topics effectively.
With the knowledge gained from the previous chapters, we can approach the topic of sexual health by acknowledging the interplay between the multifaceted cultural factors and their impact on attitudes towards sexuality, and with an informed perspective to better navigate the complexities of sex education.
Throughout this chapter, we will focus on specific skills that will enable youth workers to foster an environment where young people can explore their sexuality, relationships, and well-being in a safe and non-judgmental space.
Through these collective efforts, we can empower young people to make informed decisions, navigate relationships with confidence, and embark on their journey towards a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. We seek to create a holistic approach to comprehensive sex education, one that respects and embraces the diversity of young people’s experiences worldwide.
As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that our role as youth workers extends beyond imparting information; we also serve as advocates, listeners, and allies to the young individuals we work with.
Let us now explore the essential skills for promoting sexual health and well-being, which encompass norms and peer influence, decision-making with a focus on voice and choice, communication skills, media literacy, the responsible use of technology, and finding help and support. By integrating these skills into our youth work practices, we can foster an environment that fosters growth, understanding, and empowerment for the young people we work with.


Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Skills for Sexual Health and Well-being in Youth Work Gauk šį ženkliuką

Skills for Sexual Health and Well-being in Youth Work
We explore vital skills for enhancing sexual health among young people in youth work settings, aiming to equip youth workers with tools applicable across diverse environments. By understanding the interplay of cultural factors and sexual health, we can navigate sex education complexities, focusing on fostering safe environments for exploration and empowering informed decision-making. Through communication, media literacy, and support provision, youth workers play a pivotal role in promoting healthy relationships and empowering young individuals on their journey towards sexual well-being.
Norėdami gauti ženkliuką, turite atlikti 2 užduotis
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Task Description:
- Case Study: A group of young people express stereotypes about gender roles, believing that boys should be tough and not show emotions, while girls should be passive and focused on appearance.
- Write the strategy (2-3 paragraphs) you will use to challenge the stereotypes presented in the case study. Explain how your approach aims to promote understanding and inclusivity.
- Submit

Criteria for Completion:
Effectiveness of Strategy: Your response should outline a clear and effective strategy for challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity among young people.
Sensitivity and Respect: Ensure that your strategy is sensitive to the perspectives of the young people involved and promotes respectful dialogue.

Complete this task to demonstrate your ability to develop strategies for challenging stereotypes and fostering inclusivity among young people.
Užduotis nr.2
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Task Description:
- Write the strategy (2-3 paragraphs) you will use for saying no assertively. Describe specific techniques or phrases you would use in different contexts to communicate your boundaries effectively.
- Submit

Criteria for Completion:
Effectiveness of Strategies: Your response should include clear and practical strategies for saying no assertively in different situations.
Adaptability: Ensure that your strategies are adaptable to various scenarios and can be applied in a range of contexts.

Complete this task to demonstrate your ability to develop assertive strategies for setting boundaries and communicating effectively in different situations.
Užduotis nr.3
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Task Description:
- Define what is Enthusiastic consent. Write your own definition in 2-3 sentences.
- Submit.

Criteria for Completion:
Clarity and Understanding: Your definition should be clear and demonstrate a thorough understanding of enthusiastic consent as discussed in the chapter.
Relevance: Ensure that your definition is relevant and applicable to discussions of sexual health and well-being in youth work.

Complete this task to demonstrate your understanding of enthusiastic consent and its importance in promoting sexual health and well-being among young people.

Renginiai: 7
Pradėta: 1
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 0


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