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Our Friends Electric - Skills Development & Growth Through Theatre


Our Friends Electric - Skills Development & Growth Through Theatre



The Electric Sunshine Project CIC is lead organisation for Blackpool’s newest community arts space; The Old Electric. Providing a unique location for creativity in the heart of Blackpool.

Offering shows to enjoy, activities to take part in, opportunities to learn, develop and grow, plus many more experiences besides; their purpose is to ensure that arts and creativity is accessible for all Blackpool communities.
So this is your chance to get involved!

Our Friends Electric is a learning playlist that provides a range of activities to encourage you to explore and experience The Old Electric.

It’s a chance for you to volunteer, take part and work with others, embrace new experiences and learning, consider your health and wellbeing as part of the experience and grow and recognise your improving confidence.

Activiteiten om te voltooien

Voltooi de volgende activiteiten, verdien badges en je zult de voortgang van je playlist zien
Activity 1 - The Old Electric
3 uren
Bekijk volledige activiteit


Now it’s time to get more involved in The Old Electric! You can book to see a show, take part in a one-off activity or join-in with one of the regular weekly sessions, or perhaps there’s a project that you’d like to volunteer to get involved with? This activity is more about collaborating and cooperating with the people involved to gain a greater understanding of how you work with others.

21st Century Skills: working with others / embrace learning to learn / express yourself in writing / confidence (social) / confidence (tasks) / belief in self and positive view of others / take responsibility

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Activity 2 - In Good Company Behaal deze badge

The owner of this badge has completed the required 5 tasks required for In Good Company activity which forms a part of the learning playlist Our Friends Electric. 
The skills, knowledge and attitudes gained and demonstrated through completing these tasks built around the 21st Century Skill Ability to work with others - to effectively interact and cooperate with other people positively.

More specifically it includes:
  • Engaging with the activities and programme of The Old Electric and experiencing the arts as an audience member.
  • Identified and chosen to work with others through participating in some of the programmed activities at The Old Electric. 
  • Registered and actively participated with others through volunteering and supporting The Old Electric. 
  • Reflected and expressed their thoughts and feelings on the people involved in The Old Electric.Reflected and shared their experience of working with others at The Old Electric. 

Completing these five tasks means they have successfully worked to gain the In Good Company badge and are now on their way towards achieving the overall Our Friends Electric badge. 
Om deze badge te behalen dien je alle taken te voltooien
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Task 1: Book yourself a ticket and go to watch a show and write your review here: 
Taak nr.2
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Task 2: Take part in a creative activity (we recommend drama or singing/music or dancing as great first introductions to creative skills) reflect on how it made you feel and what things you particularly enjoyed about it, were there things that surprised you? Tell us some of the words that spring to mind.
Taak nr.3
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Task 3: Now take some time to think about what you contributed to the session. If you don't feel that you were able to get very involved then go again - or try a different creative session - throw yourself into it 100% and see what happens…
Now write a reflective journal relating to what you contributed, what others in the group offered to the session and what positive outcomes that created for you?
Taak nr.4
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Task 4: Share with us your impressions about the group leaders and any other staff or volunteers you met who are involved in The Old Electric.
Taak nr.5
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Task 5: Share with us something about one or more persons who you have worked with at The Old Electric and what has been important for this working relationship to be a positive one?


Springfield Rd, Blackpool FY1 1QW, UK


#Is aware that individual behaviour, personal characteristics and social and environmental factors influence health and wellbeing
#participate in activities related to arts education
#perform activities to encourage teambuilding
#demonstrate confidence
#Take responsibility
#Can listen to others and engaging in conversations with confidence, assertiveness, clarity and reciprocity, both in personal and social contexts
#act responsibly
#experimental data gathering
#Learning to learn
#toepassing van kennis
#display confidence
#mentale gezondheid bevorderen
#confidence showing
Activiteiten: 5
Gestart: 6
Voltooide playlist: 0
Tijd om te voltooien: 15 uren


The Electric Sunshine Project
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