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Discover International Youth Work


Discover International Youth Work



Have you ever wondered what is Youth Work and how diverse it can be at the international level?
According to the Council of Europe Youth Work...
... is commonly understood as a tool for personal development, social integration and active citizenship of young people. Youth work is a ‘keyword’ for all kinds of activities with, for and by young people of a social, cultural, educational or political nature. It belongs to the domain of 'out-of-school’ education, most commonly referred to as either non-formal or informal learning. The main objective of youth work is to create opportunities for young people to shape their own futures.
The range of themes that youth work covers is just as diverse as the types of people and organisations involved. Political activism, street work, sports activities, social enterprise and leisure-time activities can all be termed ‘youth work’.
(Source: Youth Work Essentials)

Youth work is quite diverse around Europe and it takes different forms, while is conducted by different organisations, professionals, and groups.
See the video and learn more about Youth Work here

This educational activity was created to support youth workers' competence development in the "Programme design" area and is part of the Playlist. Playlist through its activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally:
  • Competence in action (behaviour): Involves the young people in designing the programme, where possible
  • Knowledge of group processes, mechanisms and principles (including privilege and power relations)
  • Knowledge of the principles of methodologies used in the field of youth
  • Skill in developing meaningful programmes that motivate and engage young people
  • Ability to guide others to channel feelings into action, including in online environments, where appropriate.

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Jongerenwerkverkenner Behaal deze badge

De badge "Youth Work Explorer" toont begrip van jeugdwerk als een instrument om jongeren persoonlijk te laten groeien en actieve burgers te laten zijn. Mensen die deze badge verdienen, hebben ontdekt dat jeugdwerk veel activiteiten omvat en varieert in verschillende contexten op internationaal niveau.
Om de badge "Youth Work Explorer" te verdienen, moeten individuen:
  • Kennis opdoen over wat jeugdwerk betekent door de video te bekijken en te lezen volgens de Raad van Europa en waarom het belangrijk is.
  • Begrijpen hoe jeugdwerk verschillende activiteiten en thema's omvat
  • Reflecteren op hun praktijk van jeugdwerk en het niveau van erkenning in hun land onderzoeken
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Bekijk de video over "Wat is internationaal jongerenwerk" en lees over jongerenwerk op de website van de Raad van Europa - Afdeling Jeugd. Gebruik het werkblad om te reflecteren op je jongerenwerkpraktijk. Upload het en deel je gedachten!


#promote youth work in communities
#design mobility programmes
Designing programmes
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Tijd om te voltooien: 30 minuten



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Europese financieringsprogramma's
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